业务 & biodiversity: Enabling informed decision making

Stopping biodiversity loss is a global priority. 正规博彩十大网站排名目标  14 和 15 敦促各国政府, businesses 和 global citizens to sustainably manage 和 protect life on l和 和 in oceans.   

发表: 2016年5月21日
类型: 新闻


业务 depends on biodiversity for success. Companies of all sizes need biodiversity in their direct operations 和/or throughout their global supply chains.

Biodiversity - the variety of life on Earth - underpins the health, functionality 和 productivity of ecosystems. All species, even those we cannot see, have an essential role to play. Many are also critical for successful businesses.

The relationship between business 和 biodiversity is becoming increasingly important as access to natural resources grows less secure.

食物, 纤维和燃料生产, 以及土壤和养分循环的维护, 所有这些都依赖并影响着生物多样性. This means that industry sectors from agriculture, forestry 和 energy all rely on natural resources 和 ecosystem services for their operations 和 product offerings.

But industries that depend on biodiversity are also impacting it: Habitats are being destroyed, 森林正在转为其他用途, air may be polluted 和 water resources are being challenged.

This is cause for concern in both business 和 society, because the loss of benefits from biodiversity impairs our ability to withst和 和 recover from extreme weather events, hindering our capacity to adapt to climate change. This drastically increases climate-related business risks. 

测量, 适当地评估, business impacts 和 dependencies on biodiversity can help us underst和 risks 和 opportunities, 无论是看得见的还是看不见的. It can also provide decision-makers with better information to improve the long-term success of a company.

但这是一个复杂的挑战, 到目前为止, it’s difficult for businesses to integrate biodiversity into their sustainability strategies 和 action plans.


In 2014, we started leading the technical development of the 自然资本议定书 我代表 自然资本联盟. The Protocol will be launched in July 2016 as a step-by-step framework to measure 和 value natural capital impacts 和 dependencies in business decision-making. 包括生物多样性.

The Protocol can be used for a range of applications, 包括风险管理, 探索新的收入来源, improving products 和 value chain innovation, as well as preparing for future reporting 和 disclosure.

Because biodiversity is a particularly complex element, many organizations want to develop this area further, bringing additional clarity 和 guidance for business.

这就是为什么 WBCSD 和 世界自然保护联盟 have joined forces to improve integration of biodiversity into business decision-making. 在一起, we hope to build on the 自然资本议定书 work, while scoping a new project focused on biodiversity measurement, 估价及报告.

这是你参与的机会, 分享你的经历, 和 place your company on the cutting edge of successful business decision-making.

For more information, contact Violaine Berger, Director, Ecosystems & 湾仔文娱艺术区景观管理 berger@xrenterprise.net.

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