Regen10 to work with over 500 million farmers to scale regenerative food production by 2030







日内瓦,2021年11月2日 ——今天在COP26上, the 世界商业 委员会 可持续 发展 (WBCSD) 和 12 partners announced Regen10, an ambitious collective action plan to scale regenerative food production systems, 在世界范围内, 十年后. 

该倡议, 以农民为中心, will work with over 500 million farmers to apply regenerative production methods 和 transform agricultural systems, as well as ensure roughly USD $60 billion per year is deployed to finance the transition. By 2030, it is hoped that over 50% of the world’s food can be produced in a way that drives positive 结果 for people, 对自然, 对于气候.

Regen10 will drive alignment 和 convergence of existing food 和 farming sector initiatives, 扩大集体行动, 通过把农民聚集在一起, 还有企业, 投资者, 非政府组织, 和 policymakers to accelerate system change. 通过它的干预, Regen10 will play a key role in strengthening the agriculture 和 food systems’ contributions to the Paris Agreement, 同时阻止和扭转自然损失, 提高应变能力, 和 enabling farmers to earn decent incomes for the vital role they play as stewards of the l和.

Diane Holdorf, Executive Vice President, WBCSD 他说:“Regen10 is designed to accelerate three critical interventions needed to scale a regenerative food system 十年后: give farmers a leading role, create alignment around definitions 和 指标, 和 design 和 deliver pathways to regenerative food systems by redesigning the value chains for the highest impact food products in key regions 和 l和scapes. WBCSD is excited to support alignment 和 implementation of st和ards, 创新和投资, 与其合作伙伴和成员一起, 这将最大化Regen10的全球影响.”

Regen10 will drive action in three areas that together can unlock system tipping points by 2025 和 enable widespread scaling of regenerative systems by 2030.

  1. 建立一个全球农民社区.  Supporting 和 enabling a global community of farmer leaders 和 farming organizations to shape the transition, working closely with this community to design policy, finance 和 enabling interventions that work for farmers, 确保他们能够自信, 和盈利, 规模再生生产方法.    
  2. 建立 和谐 定义、结果和指标. Driving convergence 和 alignment on definitions, 结果, 指标, 和 farm level data to unlock transformative policy 和 finance, to establish the measurement backbone for accelerated transition 和 to lay the foundation for a new farm economic model.
  3. Develop 和 enable pathways to regenerative food systems. Work in partnership with a wide number of organizations to catalyze 和 facilitate the redesign of value chains for high impact food products in key growing regions; 建立 economic transition pathways 和 proof points of regenerative systems in multiple l和scapes, from which we can draw inspiration 和 learning as we scale.

在接下来的6个月里 Regen10 will mobilize the global farmer community 和 engage stakeholders across the food system to design a first wave of interventions that will be delivered by UNFCCC COP27.  By 2030, Regen10 aims to have played a catalytic role in enabling:

  • Over 50% of world’s food to be produced in a way that drives regenerative 结果
  • Over 50% of the world’s agricultural l和 to be farmed in a way that reverses nature loss 和 supports decarbonization in line with the Paris 气候 Agreement  the Paris 气候 Agreement
  • Over 500 million farmers to apply regenerative production methods, receiving a fair income for the yields they deliver, 和
  • Over USD $60 billion per year to be deployed to finance the transition

Paul Polman, Co-Chair, 食物 和 土地使用联盟; Founder, 想象一下 他说:“我不可能做到这一点.5活着, 停止和扭转自然损失, 或实现全球目标, unless we act now to radically transform food production systems.  可再生粮食系统掌握着关键. Farmers already have the solution, many of them have been doing it for years.  What makes Regen10 so powerful is that it puts farmers at the centre of the transition, 将利益相关者聚集在一起, 从整个系统来看, 使他们能够.”

Initiative partners include:  Club of Rome, Eastern Africa Farmers Federation, 食物 & 土地使用联盟, 未来的管理者, International Union for the Conservation of 自然 (IUCN), 想象一下, OP2B, 可持续食品信托基金(全球农场标准), SYSTEMIQ, WBCSD, 我们的意思是商业联盟, 世界银行集团 , 世界农民组织. Further organizations 和 companies have expressed their support for the initiative 和 will be involved in delivering its 2030 ambition. 

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Paul Polman announcing Regen10 launch at COP26 – CNBC