WBCSD launches a Mission Paper for the 私营部门 to scale-up sustainable and regenerative rice-based landscapes






2023年11月24日,日内瓦 – Today, the 世界商业 委员会 可持续 发展 (WBCSD) launched the RICE+再生稻谷中心的任务文件, 与会员公司和合作伙伴合作, 在可持续水稻景观倡议(SRLI)的支持下,.  

The RICE+ hub for regenerative ricescapes Mission paper is a call to action to bring together committed companies to drive an action-oriented agenda to tackle the major challenges that inhibit investments in scaling sustainable and regenerative rice-based landscapes (regenerative ricescapes, ).  

Given the unique opportunity for sustainable rice landscapes to deliver solutions for 气候 mitigation and adaptation, 自然恢复, and improving farmer livelihoods while contributing to food and nutrition security, there is an urgent need to target finance and scale up actions in high-impact landscapes. 

Significant greenhouse gas emissions reductions and water quantity and quality improvements can be realized from scaling up of sustainable and regenerative rice cultivation practices and approaches. 在水稻生产景观中, 哪些通常位于生物多样性热点地区, avoided conversion and restoration of natural ecosystems can have substantial positive impacts for nature, 气候(来自自然碳固存和适应), 以及社区(来自生态系统服务). Notable improvements of farmer livelihoods can also be realized from scaling up of sustainable and regenerative rice cultivation practices and approaches – from crop input reduction and labour reduction cost savings, 稳定或增加产量, 增加获得可持续市场和融资机会的机会.    

任务文件提供了有关重要气候的信息, 自然和公平的积极影响潜力, as well as the emerging opportunities to scale 私营部门 investments and collective action for sustainable rice. It also identifies the range of challenges that currently limits the acceleration of the rice sustainability transition at the scale needed, 其中包括:为稻农提供定制支持, 过渡成本和长期协议, 可持续性目标设定指导差距, 参与自愿碳市场的障碍, 公共和私营部门的投资差距.  

The objective of the RICE+ Hub for Regenerative Ricescapes Mission Paper is to serve as an action plan to facilitate pre-competitive 私营部门 collective actions and investments across the entire rice value chain. These investments and collective actions will accelerate rice-related carbon, 气候, nature and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) investments and project implementation to scale sustainable rice in priority countries and landscapes, starting with a focus on the major rice-producing regions of South and Southeast Asia. 

公司将合作建立公私投资联盟, 采用高完整性的稻米碳和可持续性标准, 促进知识交流,促进创新. Committed companies must establish relevant targets and action plans that they measure and disclose in a credible and transparent manner, and that make a demonstrable contribution to sustainable and regenerative rice production systems and landscapes. 

We call on the 私营部门 across the rice value chain to step up with ambitious targets and strategies th在规模 and accelerate the adoption of sustainable and regenerative rice production systems and landscapes for clearly defined 气候, 通过RICE+ Hub对自然和公平产生积极影响.

汤姆·威廉姆斯,农业 & 食物通路主任 

提供必要的投资,推动向包容性转型, sustainable and resilient rice landscapes 在规模 requires partnership and engagement across government, 私营部门, 金融机构, 发展合作伙伴, 公民社会, 研究机构和农业社区. 赖斯+中心的“投资”行动区将提供一个重要的论坛, 在可持续水稻景观倡议下, to forge public and private alliances in countries across the region to drive new investment in rice landscapes that will deliver results for communities, 自然和气候.

博之后,  SRLI领导粮农组织和自然资源官员, 粮农组织亚洲及太平洋区域办事处

Low-carbon agriculture cannot be considered in isolation; holistic approaches maximize sustainability co-benefits to farmers and ecosystems alike. With growing recognition of the need for rice sector transformation to meet the UN Sustainable 发展 Goals, the Sustainable Rice Platform’s Standard and Performance Indicators offer a quantitative, 提供影响的综合框架. The RICE+ Hub offers a unique pathway to deliver NBS outcomes 在规模 through robust and unified approaches to MRV, 可持续最佳做法和融资, facilitated by the collaborative efforts of the 可持续的水稻景观 Initiative (SRLI) consortium partners.

Dr. Wyn Ellis,可持续水稻平台执行董事

缓解和适应温室气体的气候目标, 以及自然恢复的生物多样性目标, can only be met through broad collaboration between all  rice value chain actors – the RICE+ Mission Paper is a groundbreaking blueprint for such collaboration with proposed target-setting approaches and actions that will enable public-private funding to equitably scale impactful solutions.

Matthew Reddy, Senior Private Sector Specialist, Global Environment Facility (GEF)

The need to come together to shape more economically viable and sustainable rice cultivation systems has never been more pressing. Supporting farmers to change rice cultivation practices – most notably to a system based on direct-seeded rice – will help smallholder rice farmers adapt to and mitigate 气候 change while, 同时, 经营有利可图的生意, 改善福祉和, 在规模, 帮助确保国家和国际层面的粮食安全.

弗兰克·特霍斯特,战略主管 & 拜耳作物科学部门的正规博彩十大网站排名