Food systems must be at the heart of COP28: multistakeholder collaboration will get us there








Emeline Fellus, WBCSD农业和粮食部主任

随着第28届联合国气候变化大会在迪拜如火如荼地进行, 业务, policymakers 和 civil society are more aware than ever that food systems are both affected by, 并为, 世界上最紧迫的社会和环境挑战.

Since the UN Food Systems Summit in 2021, 126 countries have adopted a food systems 国家的途径. 我们在承认最低生活工资方面取得了进展, 通过新的欧盟企业正规博彩十大网站排名尽职调查指令, 扩展基于科学的解决方案. Business is driving some of the needed change; with examples like Nestlé’s 收入加速计划 aims to close the living income gap 和 reduce child labour risks in supply chains, 和 OCP的Al moumir报道 outreach initiative uses innovative 和 customized solutions to empower farmers.

然而,如果90多亿人要生活得好, 在地球范围内, by 2050, 需要做的还有很多, 和快. 在第28届联合国气候变化大会前夕,粮食生产商几乎达到了 三分之二的极端贫困人口3.10亿人负担不起健康饮食, 和 agricultural systems are already feeling the impacts of 气候变化. 同时,土地利用部门代表 占温室气体总排放量的23% 是其中之一 生物多样性丧失的主要驱动因素.

Food systems must be a focal part of the global solution to 气候变化

第二十八届缔约方会议承诺将前所未有地关注粮食系统. The UAE COP28 Presidency’s Food Systems 和 Agriculture Agenda aims to drive transformative change across food 和 agriculture systems to secure a sustainable future for all, 和 WBCSD is advising on key agriculture 和 food issues as part of the Presidency’s Non-State Actor pillar.  WBCSD welcomes the COP28 Presidency’s leadership in inviting Governments to sign the forthcoming ‘Emirates Declaration on Resilient Food Systems, Sustainable Agriculture 和 气候行动’ 和 encourages all countries to support it, 展示他们对粮食系统转型的承诺.

然而,承诺是不够的. 确保雄心等同于变革, we call on governments to integrate food 和 l和 use into Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) 和 National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) before the next NDC update in 2025. 另外, the UNFCCC must fully integrate food systems across their process as a key pillar of change, with a continuing prioritisation of agriculture 和 food systems towards COP30 和 beyond.


The private sector 和 other Non-State 演员 have essential roles in delivering on the changes needed.  

补充阿联酋宣言, the UN Climate Change High Level Champions are coordinating a multistakeholder 行动呼吁 改变粮食系统, 将所有非国家行为体团体的玩家聚集在一起, 包括企业, 农民群体, 民间社会组织, 城市和其他. WBCSD is mobilizing the private sector to contribute to this shared vision, 和, 确保这一雄心与行动相匹配, we have worked with our members to develop a supporting Business Statement of Action, highlighting the steps 业务es are taking to contribute to the collective effort needed.

行动只有在被称为负责任的行动时才有意义. WBCSD, 与世界基准联盟(WBA)合作, has been developing a Progress Update to report on companies’ progress since 228 senior executives signed the Business Declaration on Food Systems Transformation at the UN Food Systems Summit in 2021.

像这样, WBCSD致力于确保实现这一目标, 私营部门的行动和问责制使人们能够信任, 迭代的过程, 粮食系统转型的共同议程.


要实现所需的转变, 企业必须推动跨关键全球解决方案的行动, 区域和价值链.

再生农业 has a critical role in meeting the needs of present 和 future generations while sustaining farmer livelihoods 和 preserving nature. 通过 COP28再生景观行动议程; 世卫组织正在与联合国气候变化大会主席国阿联酋合作, 高层气候领军者和波士顿咨询集团齐聚一堂, accelerate 和 amplify new 和 existing commitments to transition large agricultural l和scapes to regenerative agriculture by 2030. 25+ leading food 和 agriculture organizations are joining forces at COP28 to unveil an ambitious action package that will translate commitments into tangible projects. WBCSCD及其合作伙伴将共同举办一场 发布会上, where speakers will showcase stories of l和scape transformation across the globe, 辅以关于财政问题的会议, public-private partnerships 和 问责制 for regenerative agriculture throughout the fortnight.

健康和可持续饮食 对人类和地球健康至关重要吗. 作物多样化、食品改型和 多样化的 蛋白质为人们提供饮食选择, 地球和健康是世卫组织和我们成员工作的关键优先事项. 在2023年 理事会会议, executives from leading sustainable 业务es discussed opportunities to secure nutritious food for all, 在地球范围内. 由世界粮食和营养安全委员会粮食和营养安全工作队领导, companies aligned on the need to embrace across value-chain interventions that take into account the local context of food 和 nutrition security 和 ensure that the costs 和 benefits of the transition are equitably distributed through the value chain.

符合目的的 企业绩效和责任制度 (CPAS) including disclosure of scope 3 emissions 和 harmonization of methodologies, 标准和报告要求, 在复杂的领域,如范围3, 生活收入和营养, 对确保信任和透明度至关重要吗. Together with our members we are working to ensure the integration of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 包括范围1, 2和3排放, 进入正规博彩十大网站排名负债表. 我们的一些 会话 在COP28上探索机会 加快范围3的减排和消除 与土地使用有关.


没有协作,系统层面的变化就无法实现. We are keen to work with governments 和 other stakeholders to deliver the step change in ambition needed. 我们要求政策制定者 利用粮食部门的独特能力 然后取一个 系统性的方法 粮食和农业, 解决包括不平等在内的相互关联的当务之急, 气候变化, 生物多样性丧失以及粮食和营养不安全. 粮食系统的可持续性必须贯穿整个决策过程, through collaboration across boundaries of ministry, nation 和 stakeholder groups. 政策必须起到激励和鼓励的作用 启用业务问责制,确保全面的报告和披露.

Perhaps most significantly, all stakeholders, including governments, must utilize the 多方利益相关者协作的力量. 认识并减轻粮食系统对人的综合影响, 气候与自然, 合作比以往任何时候都更加重要.

COP is a crucial moment to drive public-private collaboration 和 accelerate action for transition 和 presents us with a unique opportunity to put food systems at the heart of action. We are confident that we can accelerate action towards regenerative 和 equitable systems producing nutritious food for all, 如果我们开发新的, 大胆和勇敢的合作方式. 这就是WBCSD在第28届缔约方会议和2024年的目标.