

At the beginning of the 90s, in a context of crisis exacerbated by terrorism in 秘鲁, a group of businessmen created the organization, with the aim of achieving a shared national vision: "be a prosperous, 和平, democratic and right 秘鲁". 

In 2016, they connected with the call to business action of the Agenda 2030 promoted by the United Nations through the fulfillment of the Sustainable 发展 Goals (SDG). 

从那时起, 秘鲁Sostenible is the network of businesses that seeks to activate companies and organizations in their role as agents of change, to promote the social, environmental and economic development of 秘鲁, through the 17 SDGs. 


秘鲁Sostenible is an organization with more than 80 corporate trustees. Members receive exclusive information on the latest trends in sustainability by offering programs and management tools that link to global sustainability platforms, to leading organizations, and to the 秘鲁vian ecosystem; that transform companies to improve their performance and strengthen their knowledge on the path to sustainability; and that make best practices in sustainability visible. 

After a rigorous evaluation and presentation of evidence, 秘鲁Sostenible offers companies an annual recognition of their sustainability practices (Empresa Con Gestión Sostenible 在西班牙语). It is a holistic management tool that assesses the environmental, social and governance (ESG), as well as business aspects of the organizations through specific indicators aligned with international sustainability standards. 

The "秘鲁Sostenible En Vivo" event is the leading sustainability conference in 拉丁美洲, where national and international experts present the latest trends, challenges and solutions around the 17 SDGs. 

In partnership with the United Nations, 秘鲁Sostenible creates spaces for multi-stakeholder articulation to achieve the Sustainable 发展 Goals (SDGs) through meetings where the private and public sectors, academia and civil society identify obstacles and propose actionable solutions that address the country's sustainable development challenges (Mesas de Acción 在西班牙语). Also through a recognition that identifies projects of companies, enterprises and NGOs that contribute to the sustainability of the country (Perú可怜的los ODS 在西班牙语). 

Micaela Rizo Patrón 

Cayetana Aljovín, Director of the national fishery society 

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