30 leading companies with a combined revenue of USD $1.3 trillion join forces to implement the circular economy

发表: 2018.01.23
类型: 新闻

2018年1月23日,瑞士达沃斯今天在达沃斯世界经济论坛上, over 30 leading companies across 16 sectors joined forces to implement the circular economy through WBCSD’s newest initiative, Factor10. 集体负责1美元.3万亿美元的年收入, the companies in Factor10 represent a powerful business effort scale up momentum for circular economy solutions.  

Factor10 and the circular economy aim to reinvent the way that business produces, uses and disposes of the materials that make up global trade by moving away from the traditional “take-make-dispose” economic model to one that is regenerative by design.

The ultimate goal is to move to a system where waste is eliminated. According to 埃森哲咨询公司, the circular economy represents a USD $4.5 trillion opportunity and will be critical for achieving the SDGs.

By collaborating on solutions that go beyond business as usual, Factor10 will work to capture these economic and sustainability benefits by implementing scalable solutions - where resources are used wisely, processes create the greatest possible value and nothing is wasted.

彼得不赞美, WBCSD总裁兼首席执行官说, “Factor10 represents the critical mass of private sector support needed to implement the circular economy at a global scale. We look forward to seeing the companies involved shape the transition to a sustainable future.”

Factor10 is unique because it goes beyond a company’s sustainability department and penetrates all operating functions, across sectors into full value-chains and beyond high-level principles into actionable business practice.

公司正在马上开始行动. 今年, the initiative will focus on three priority areas: developing transformative cross-value chain solutions that unlock circular opportunities for business; generating circular economy knowledge to help business understand the landscape, best practices and leading examples; and amplifying the business voice globally.

"We're moving beyond a niche approach,” said Andrea Brown, Director of 循环经济 at WBCSD. “通过Factor10, we can move circular economy beyond the group of early adopters, into the early majority of global supply chains - opening new ways for companies to collaborate on scalable business models to gain competitive advantage."

It’s clear that the companies in Factor10 recognize the opportunity and have the foresight and leadership skills to pursue it.

Andreas Fibig, Chairman and CEO of International Flavors & 香水公司. and Chair of Program Board for 循环经济 and 能源 at WBCSD also said, “I am thrilled to be collaborating with forward-thinking companies who are making a positive difference in the world.  By leveraging our passion and combined expertise through the 因素10 Initiative, we have even greater opportunities to transform our companies, 我们的工业, 以及我们的社区."

除了, Factor10创始成员, 诺尔Morrin, 执行副总裁, 可持续性, 斯道拉恩索也表示, “斯道拉恩索 is a leading provider of renewable materials. Our products provide solutions that support economic growth from the use of renewable natural resources and help reduce fossil carbon emissions. For us Factor10 is an important global initiative to help leading businesses create enabling market and policy conditions to scale-up the use and development of renewable solutions and increase their recycling opportunities.”


埃森哲咨询公司, Arcadis, 阿塞洛-米塔尔, 巴斯夫, 波士顿咨询公司, 宝马集团, CRH, 陶氏, 需求侧管理, 埃奈尔, 埃克森美孚, EY, 本田, 敌我识别, 毕马威(KPMG), 米其林, 威哥, 诺华制药, 飞利浦, 普华永道, 荷兰合作银行, 雷诺, 沙特基础工业公司, 圣戈班, 索尔维, 斯道拉恩索, 威立雅, 雅苒, 日本横河

The launch of Factor10 builds off the following circular economy publications WBCSD released in 2017:

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